Friday 27 September 2019

Unnatural Causes

Unnatural Causes (Adam Dalgliesh #3)Unnatural Causes by P.D. James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I remember trying this book out years ago, not long after finishing the Agatha Christie canon. I didn’t get very far. The use of language put me off. This time I bore with it and enjoyed it, despite the lubricity (the slipperiness), the amphigoric (a parody of someone’s writing style), and the armigerous (entitlement to bear a coat of arms). It was written in the 1960s, when some of the elements it touches on—homosexuality in particular—would have been considered forward-thinking if not downright risqué. Now it seems laughably out of touch. Quite how our detective Adam Dalgliesh figures things out is often unclear, and yet at its heart this is a fairly decent whodunnit.

View all my reviews

Sunday 1 September 2019

Monthly Post: September 2019
You’re self-published. What’s next?

The Scarab Heart (The Involuntary Medium, #2)The Scarab Heart (The Involuntary Medium, #2) by Michael Gallagher
Current average rating: 4.42 of 5 stars

Congratulations! You now have a book to promote. Get yourself on Twitter and use #amwriting and #WritingCommunity hashtags to meet up with fellow writers. If you published through KDP, set up an author page at Author Central and at Author Central UK. Join the Author Program at Goodreads to set up your author page there. Once you have one, you’ll be able to write a blog. Read on…

This month’s special offer is a free download of The Scarab Heart. The Valley of the Kings, 1885. Lizzie is about to meet a young woman named Merit, and her life will never be the same again. Offer ends on September 30th 2019.

“If you like a little bit of Victorian social history, ghostly happenings and tales from Ancient Egypt you are in for a real treat.”—Sausage, Amazon UK Reviewer (5 stars)

Happy investigating!

Find me on my website Michael Gallagher Writes and on Facebook, and make sure to follow me on Twitter @seventh7rainbow