Sunday 1 March 2020

Monthly Post: March 2020
Using Twitter to advertise

Gooseberry (Send for Octavius Guy, #1)Gooseberry (Send for Octavius Guy, #1) by Michael Gallagher
Current average rating: 4.22 of 5 stars

Last year I ran an advertising campaign for my novels on Twitter, which proved surprisingly popular. The premise was simple. Every second week I’d feature one book each day, a single tweet consisting of a quote from a reader’s review (without listing the book title or author), a non-preview link to where it could be purchased, and the book cover. The USP (or unique selling point) was that the quotes used would never be repeated. Every second week brought an entirely fresh batch, and the campaign ran for many, many months. Earlier this year, however, the inevitable happened. Read on…

This month’s offer is a free download of Gooseberry: Octavius Guy & The Case of the Thieving Maharajah (#1). Fourteen-year-old Gooseberry once helped solve the mystery of the Moonstone. Now fate is about to throw him a new case, sending him sleuthing round the Victorian capital once more. Offer ends on March 31st 2020.
“I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and can't wait to read another of Mr. Gallagher’s mysteries. Forget Sherlock Holmes, send for Octavius Guy!”—Brittney L. Divine, author, Smashwords Reviewer (5 stars)
Happy investigating! Michael
Find me on my website Michael Gallagher Writes and on Facebook, and make sure to follow me on Twitter @seventh7rainbow.