Tuesday 1 October 2019

Monthly Post: October 2019
Time to follow Octavius Guy on Twitter

Gooseberry (Send for Octavius Guy, #1)Gooseberry (Send for Octavius Guy, #1) by Michael Gallagher
Current average rating: 4.28 of 5 stars

Welcome, dear reader! As some of you will know, I give away one of my novels each month, and October sees the start of Gooseberry’s rotation. It’s a set of cozy historical whodunnits set in the 1850s, featuring characters who first appeared in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone, most notably Octavius Guy (Gooseberry), a 14-year-old former pickpocket who fancies himself a detective. There are currently three books in the series (with a fourth on its way): The Case of the Thieving Maharajah, The Case of the Throttled Tragedienne, and The Case of the Mendacious Medium—known respectively as Gooseberry, Octopus, and Big Bona Ogles, Boy! I think it’s fair to say that recently my Twitter folks have taken young Gooseberry to their hearts. Here are just a few of the kind things they have said: Read on… Follow Octavius Guy on Twitter @sendforOctavius.

This month’s offer is a free download of Gooseberry: Octavius Guy & The Case of the Thieving Maharajah (#1). Fourteen-year-old Gooseberry once helped solve the mystery of the Moonstone. Now fate is about to throw him a new case, sending him sleuthing round the Victorian capital once more. Offer ends on October 31st 2019.
“I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and can't wait to read another of Mr. Gallagher’s mysteries. Forget Sherlock Holmes, send for Octavius Guy!”—Brittney L. Divine, author, Smashwords Reviewer (5 stars)
Happy investigating! Michael
Find me on my website Michael Gallagher Writes and on Facebook, and make sure to follow me on Twitter @seventh7rainbow.

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